Nothing beats the comfort of home (who wants to put on shoes anyway?!), and here at Forests, Tides & Treasures we are all for making it easier than ever. Whether you're in Alaska or Antarctica, you can shop virtually with us in REAL TIME!
What's that mean? A FTT team member will be your personal shopper via video call, phone, text, or email - live and eager to answer your questions and find your outdoor gear, art and treasures. We will walk the store with you, check of your list, and if you're lucky, maybe Smokey will make a cameo. ("Can they give me belly rubs and treats through the phone?" Yes, Smokey, we'll love on you on our virtual friend's behalf.)
To set up a virtual shopping session - all you have to do is contact us!
Here are a few ways you can book:
- Visit our facebook page & click "Book Now" (up top)
- Fill out our contact form
- Call our shop: 907-831-1995
- Shoot us an instagram message
- Email us at
Let us know a date & time frame that works best for you, we'll ask a few questions to fulfill your wish list, schedule, then handle the rest! It's that easy!